Sibling Love Letters on V-Day

Our wedding anniversary is the day before Valentines Day so it doesn't get much attention in our home (which is really perfectly fine by me!) but this year we thought we would introduce a new, simple tradition of writing love notes to each other, and then posting them in our mailboxes on Love Day morn.
Something that is really important in our family is building strong sibling relationships, so for this activity we wrote our kids' names down on a piece of paper and had each kid draw out a name. The sibling they drew, was then the sibling they had to write a love note to.
I wanted to be sure the notes weren't just about the appearance or ability of their sibling, so we talked about characteristics and brainstormed some words as a starting point.
Then, I wrote some helper sentences to offer further ideas in case anyone got stuck.
For example,
It makes me laugh when you...
I really like the way you...
You are so...

We sealed them in some cute little handmade bags (tutorial here) with a sweet treat and have hidden them away until Saturday.

If you're interested in writing a love-letter to your child this Valentine's Day here are some links for letter-writing tips:
This post suggests including 3 simple parts to your letter
This post lists 8 important words to include in your letter

We have a Valentine's Day special running until the 14th February for free shipping (within NZ) on all mini mailboxes bought from our website!

Get those flags up!


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